Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Summary of Search Tool

Introduction of Search Tool
At first, we always use search engine to fine some information about your topic. There are several kinds of search engines which also call search tool. Those are meta-search engine, specialized search engine, and combination directory search engine. There are different kinds of search tool (Search engine), because if you cannot find some information that you want, other search tool might have that information. Therefore, it is good to have other different types of search engine.

How Do You Start Your Search?
Before you start to find some ideas, you have to think about your topic and after that you have to think which search engine is the best website to find. Also you have to think or define the keywords which relate to your topic, so that you will find your information exact what you want easily. For deciding the keywords, you have should use whether it is start broad, relate to your topic, or more specific name or things which relate to your idea.

What is Boolean Logic?
Boolean logic uses to specify how a search engine will match your search terms. It also helps you get the right information that you want. Many kinds of terms that you can use which are:
-Or - Use to combine synonyms or similar concepts and expand your search
Your results pages will include either search term
-And or + - Use to combine different words and narrow your search
Results will be only those pages that include both terms.
-Not or – - Use to exclude a word from your search and narrow your search
Your results will not include pages that contain the excluded term
-* (Asterisk) - Use to find terms with varied word endings and expand your search
Your results will include pages that contain your search terms in different forms. - Ex. "embroider* AND patterns," results will contain patterns and any or all of the following words: embroider, embroiders, etc…
-“ “(Quote Mark) - Use to find search terms as a phrase and narrow your search, especially for people’s name.
Your results will include only pages that contain the phrase.

How to Evaluate Web Site
Now, you know how to find the information, but you don’t know how to evaluate that which website is good or not. You have to look the owners of a Web site write the brief description you see in the search results. Even though, you think that website is good looking, you also have to check those things.
-Authority – is it includes background of the website, whether it’s created by company or other, and it has response to its own site or not.
-Accuracy – does it have correct conventions? Does that information have proof to tell the idea is correct?
-Objectivity – is it motivate people to look the website?
-Currency – do the websites tell the dates or explain how information is kept current?
-Coverage – do the websites completed or still making it?
-Privacy - Does the site clearly state that it does not track your innately private activities? Do the websites guarantee that your information will not be passed by other people?

~~~Those are what you need to do when you search something!~~~

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